Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Apple's much Anticipated Tablet is Set to Launch Spring 2010 Plus MORE...

The latter part of 2010 wasn't the best time for Apple and one of its biggest gadgets, the Iphone; this was largely due to the much anticipated release of Google's operated Droid running on the Verizon network and manufactured by Motorola. The Droid has had strong sales so far, reaching one million units since its launch early this Fall. This is an impressive outcome for a newcomer, but then again Google is behind it, and having it run on Verizon is a big PLUS for them. The Droid was also recently distinguished by Time Magazine and being named the number one Gadget of the Year, and relegating the Iphone to 4th place.

But it's not all rosy for the Droid, as Time goes further to say and experts in the field agree with, as explained by Pete Cashmore of

The Motorola phone on the Verizon network is a great device on the best network, TIME argues, making it the obvious choice despite being new to the market.

TIME writes:

Droid is a hefty beast, a metal behemoth without the gloss and finish of the iPhoneiPhone, but you don’t miss it. The Droid’s touchscreen is phenomenally sharp and vivid, it has an actual physical (not great, but good enough) keyboard, and, best of all, the Droid is on Verizon’s best-of-breed 3G network.

We tend to agree; the Droid is a fantastic phone and a poster child for GoogleGoogle’s Android OS. Nonetheless, it’ll seem a lot less appealing next year if the iPhone finally comes to Verizon. We still think the iPhone is a superior phone, albeit on an inferior network.

The Iphone suffered from some negative buzz surrounding its App Store decision of rejecting Google Voice's app on their store and being still only available on AT&T, whose network is not nearly as efficient as Verizon's. And this was followed of course by a ad battle between both carriers flaunting who is better, and in the end Verizon prevailed.

So, disenchanted Iphone users and unhappy AT&T customers decided to leave them and make the switch, and some of them seem happy but not fully satisfied!

The question now is what's in store for Apple?

Well, there have been rumors about the Iphone running on Verizon and the release of a much anticipated tablet...what's to make of this?

These rumors are true and expected to finally happen in 2010.
So even though the Droid was the "IT" gadget to have and garnered the most attention the end of 2010, Apple is coming back with bigger and better things in 2010!

Apple's exclusive contract with AT&T expires next year and an improved and better Iphone will be released come 2010 to run on the biggest mobile network in the country.
The release date is rumored to be Summer/Fall of next year...stay tuned!

And as for the Apple Tablet; it's said to be ready for launch in Spring of 2010.

Charlie Sorrel of further explains:

Yair Reiner, an analyst for Oppenheimer, has lit some incense, drained his tea-cup and stared deep into the pattern of the remaining leaves. The fates have thus communicated to him the following “fact”: Apple will ship a 10.1-inch touch-screen tablet in spring 2010.

The average reader of the average gadget-blog knows more about the real workings of the tech world than even the best of analysts (or “prophets” as I prefer to call them). But we shall humor Uncle Yair, and present here his rock-solid inferences, based on the study not of actual tea-leaves, but of his supply-chain contacts.

The Jesus-tablet will use an LTPS (Low Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon) LCD like that of the iPhone instead of a pricier OLED display, and if Apple wants to have enough in stock to meet demand (at a projected manufacturing speed of a million units per month) then a launch date in March or April is likely.

The price? The same as a MacBook with a full keyboard, or $1,000. This would be the perfect price for Apple to charge if it didn’t want to sell any.

Reiner goes on to speculate that book publishers, “disgruntled by Amazon’s terms” which give the publisher just 70% of revenue on an exclusive deal, prefer the numbers offered by Apple. And what is this sweet, sweet deal from Apple? An “App Store-type 30/70 split.” Can you spot the difference? Me either.

By now, we’re pretty sure that we’ll see an Apple tablet soon, probably in the first half of the year (spring for tablets, summer for iPhones, autumn for iPods, and Macs when they are ready). We’re also sure that until it is actually announced by Apple, every week will bring further groping guesses about this tech-unicorn, in increasingly desperate attempts to drum up publicity (December 9, 2009).